Friday Links and a Happy Weekend to You


In preparation for our upcoming week in glorious Ocean City, I’ve been loading my Kindle with books. I was making a note to add another one tonight when I realized every book I’ve added is fucking depressing.

They’re all about serial killers and jailed teenagers and missing children and the lonliness of being aware of your reincarnations. I’m halfway through the single not-murder-related book I purchased, so I can’t even liven things up a bit once I get going on this list. If anyone has any actual beach read suggestions, my pysche (and husband and beach guests) will appreciate it. My mood is often a direct reflection of what I’m reading, so WATCH OUT, EVERYONE AROUND ME NEXT WEEK!

My current list, should you want to hold hands as I dive into this pool of despair, is as follows:

Life After Life, The Shining Girls, My Education, The Panopticon, The Yonahlossee Riding Camp for Girls, and The Engagements.

And now, some links that aren’t upsetting!

Awesome Designer for Affordable Home Goods Store.

This kid is cooler than you.


I wish I had known these when I was a kid. Everyone honors bets they make with kids, right?

Something I will soom purchase during a fit of insomnia-induced late night TV watching.

“One Cookie Monster shrugged, as if to say he had no information, and offered a hug instead.”

A moment of optimism turned sour when these came in this week.

All of these. (borrowed lovingly from acupofjo)

City Cafe mention on Buzz Feed. We celebrated at their Open Equality Bar with lots of Vodka Doma’s and Supreme-a Coladas.

And finally, SO MUCH LOVE to everyone who loves anyone or is anyone celebrating the incredible victories of this week. The header for this post was taken at Pride in 2009 when none of us could have imagined how soon things would change.

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