Wifed Up: Press Clippings


Huffington Post:

 HuffpostLive: The Cohabitation Effect

The Vows

Why My Husband and I Are So Horrible

 What’s So Different About Marriage?

 10 Reasons My Wedding Was Awesome


What No One Tells You About Your First Month of Marriage

Baltimore Sun:

Our bride-to-be blogger has one last word before she heads down the aisle

Help our blogger: What should she do if the boutique fails to get her dress to her on time?

Don’t be a brat and other inexpert advice on choosing your wedding bands

Thinking out of the box for bridesmaids’ gifts

Downloadable spreadsheets begin to quell the pre-wedding panic

I couldn’t handle a Trapper Keeper at 9 and now I can’t handle my wedding

Let the countdown begin: I’m getting married in 100 days

Wedding registries go high-tech at Crate & Barrel

When you want to send a thank-you note, but don’t know where to find a mailbox

Of ice cream and bocce: How to show your personal style at an engagement party

Favor fever: What’s the right gift for wedding guests?

A movie-worthy wedding disaster for a bridesmaid

Pinterest for brides, for better or worse

A case for pick-your-own bridesmaid dresses

Is “branding” yourself as a couple a genius idea for a wedding theme — or over-the-top?

Does every wedding really need a cake?

Top 10 movies for anyone planning a wedding

Buyer beware when shopping for engagement rings

Bride-to-be wonders if she said yes to the right dress

Registry time: Bed, bath and a bottle of wine?

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